Feeling Blah

I have been feeling pretty lathargic lately. I think we are still fighting some illness. Hopefully we will feel better soon.

We have given away our chickens. I think we will wait until we have more property before getting chickens again. It was fun having them, but sometimes good things must come to an end.

I have finished most of my Christmas shopping, just waiting for dh to give me the green light to finish ALL of it. What gifts I have purchased are already wrapped.

Not much else going on and haven't been inspired much lately to blog. I did update Nathanaels blog with a cute pictures.


Anonymous said…
Praying for you Kay
Jen at http://my3boysandi.wordpress.com/
Christina said…
Hello Kay, I enjoy reading your posts....I hope all will be better, are you boosting ya'lls immune systems to help fight off/ward off anything else? Do you have the Supermom Vitamins? I hear those work really good. I'm off to check out the cutest boy in PA blog now.


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