Getting out there...

Extra-curricular activities, community involvement, volunteering, sports teams, music lessons, making sure your kids have opportunities to be social, co-ops, etc., etc., etc...

I must admit that while most parents have the problem of trying not to do much, we have the opposite I doing enough. Despite the fact that my children are not involved in a lot of things, they seem to be socially well rounded. We did do our share of church nights and dance classes and homeschool coops in years past, but now due to finances and mobility our activities are now pretty simple. We are enjoying it.

We have church on Sunday mornings (and VBS this week). We visit our elderly and not so elderly neighbors, participate in our libraries reading program (as well as other trips to the library throughout the year), they bike and play with the other children in the neighborhood. We live in a mixed neighborhood, so they definitely get their share of diversity. We also get together with other homeschoolers at least once a month for a game day, play dates and also for field trips. They are not shy, but due to training are cautious of strangers. Its amazing how much we are able to teach our children of the real world, just from living in it and yet keep them innocent and sheltered at the same time.


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